

package rtt

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Configured extends AnyRef

  2. class JarBuilder extends AnyRef

    Class to manage the creation of a new JAR file.

  3. case class MetadataClassBuilder[T](className: String, metaData: Any)(implicit sc: ScoobiConfiguration, mf: Manifest[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    A class for building a class extending T at run-time.

  4. trait MetadataGroupings extends TaggedMetadata

    Set of Groupings accessible by tag

  5. abstract class MetadataScoobiWritable extends ScoobiWritable[Any]

  6. abstract class MetadataTaggedGroupingComparator extends TaggedGroupingComparator with MetadataWireFormats with MetadataGroupings

  7. abstract class MetadataTaggedKey extends TaggedKey with MetadataTaggedWritable with MetadataGroupings

    Tagged key with some metadata describing each channel.

  8. abstract class MetadataTaggedPartitioner extends Partitioner[TaggedKey, TaggedValue] with TaggedPartitioner with MetadataWireFormats with MetadataGroupings

    This partitioner uses the grouping of the current key tag and partitions based on the key value

  9. abstract class MetadataTaggedValue extends TaggedValue with MetadataTaggedWritable

  10. trait MetadataTaggedWritable extends MetadataWireFormats

    This trait represents a Writable capable of reading/writing different type of data depending on a tag and having WireFormats accessible for each tag

  11. trait MetadataWireFormats extends TaggedMetadata

    WireFormats accessible by tags

  12. final case class RuntimeClass(name: String, clazz: Class[_], bytecode: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    A class representing a class that has been generated at run-time.

  13. abstract class ScoobiWritable[A] extends Writable with Configured

    The super-class of all "value" types used in Hadoop jobs.

  14. trait Tagged extends Configured

    A collection of types indexed by a tag

  15. trait TaggedGroupingComparator extends RawComparator[TaggedKey]

    Custom GroupingComparator for tagged keys.

  16. trait TaggedKey extends Tagged with WritableComparable[TaggedKey]

    A tagged value for Hadoop keys.

  17. trait TaggedMetadata extends Configured

    Set of metadata, which can be a different tuple for each tag (and all tuples don't have to have the same size)

  18. trait TaggedPartitioner extends Partitioner[TaggedKey, TaggedValue]

    Custom partitioner for tagged key-values.

  19. trait TaggedValue extends Tagged with Writable

    A tagged value for Hadoop values.

Value Members

  1. object ScoobiMetadata

    This object stores and retrieves metadata from the Distributed cache.

  2. object ScoobiWritable

    Constructs a ScoobiWritable, with some metadata (a WireFormat) retrieved from the distributed cache

  3. object TaggedGroupingComparator

    Companion object for dynamically constructing a subclass of TaggedGroupingComparator.

  4. object TaggedKey

    Companion object for dynamically constructing a subclass of TaggedKey.

  5. object TaggedPartitioner

    Companion object for dynamically constructing a subclass of TaggedPartitioner.

  6. object TaggedValue

    Companion object for dynamically constructing a subclass of TaggedValue.
