

package comp

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CollectFunctions extends AnyRef

    This functions can be used to filter or collect specific nodes in collections

  2. case class Combine(in: CompNode, dofn: DoFunction, wfk: WireReaderWriter, wfv: WireReaderWriter, wfu: WireReaderWriter, nodeSinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq(), bridgeStoreId: String = randomUUID.toString) extends ProcessNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The Combine node type specifies the building of a CompNode as a result of applying an associative function to the values of an existing key-values CompNode

  3. trait CompNodes extends GraphNodes

    General methods for navigating a graph of CompNodes

  4. trait GraphNodes extends AttributionCore

    generic functions for a nodes graph

  5. case class GroupByKey(in: CompNode, wfk: WireReaderWriter, gpk: KeyGrouping, wfv: WireReaderWriter, nodeSinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq(), bridgeStoreId: String = randomUUID.toString) extends ProcessNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The GroupByKey node type specifies the building of a CompNode as a result of partitioning an exiting key-value CompNode by key

  6. case class Load(source: Source, wf: WireReaderWriter, sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The Load node type specifies the creation of a CompNode from some source other than another CompNode.

    The Load node type specifies the creation of a CompNode from some source other than another CompNode. A DataSource object specifies how the loading is performed

  7. case class Materialise(in: ProcessNode, wf: WireReaderWriter, sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

  8. case class Op(in1: CompNode, in2: CompNode, f: (Any, Any) ⇒ Any, wf: WireReaderWriter, sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The Op node type specifies the building of Exp CompNode by applying a function to the values of two other CompNode nodes

  9. trait Optimiser extends CompNodes with MemoRewriter

    Optimiser for the CompNode graph

    Optimiser for the CompNode graph

    It uses the [Kiama]( rewriting library by defining Strategies for traversing the graph and rules to rewrite it. Usually the rules are applied in a top-down fashion at every node where they can be applied (using the everywhere strategy).

  10. case class ParallelDo(ins: Seq[CompNode], env: ValueNode, dofn: DoFunction, wfa: WireReaderWriter, wfb: WireReaderWriter, nodeSinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq(), bridgeStoreId: String = randomUUID.toString) extends ProcessNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The ParallelDo node type specifies the building of a CompNode as a result of applying a function to all elements of an existing CompNode and concatenating the results

  11. trait ProcessNodeImpl extends ProcessNode

    Processing node in the computation graph.

    Processing node in the computation graph.

    It has a unique id, a BridgeStore for its outputs and some possible additional sinks.

  12. case class Return(rt: ReturnedValue, wf: WireReaderWriter, sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

    The Return node type specifies the building of a Exp CompNode from an "ordinary" value.

  13. case class ReturnSC(in: (ScoobiConfiguration) ⇒ Seq[Any], wf: WireReaderWriter = UnitFmt, sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

  14. class ReturnedValue extends AnyRef

  15. case class Root(ins: Seq[CompNode], sinks: Seq[Sink] = Seq()) extends ValueNodeImpl with Product with Serializable

  16. trait ShowNode extends CompNodes

    This trait contains some display functions for computation graphs

  17. trait ValueNodeImpl extends ValueNode with WithEnvironment

    Value node to either load or materialise a value

  18. trait WithEnvironment extends AnyRef

    Value nodes have environments which are determined by the job configuration because they are effectively files which are distributed via the distributed cache

Value Members

  1. object CollectFunctions extends CollectFunctions

  2. object Combine extends Serializable

  3. object Combine1

  4. object CompNodes extends CompNodes

  5. object GroupByKey1

  6. object Load1

  7. object Materialise1

  8. object Op1

  9. object Optimiser extends Optimiser

  10. object ParallelDo extends Serializable

  11. object ParallelDo1

  12. object Return extends Serializable

  13. object Return1

  14. object ReturnSC1

  15. object Root1

  16. object ShowNode extends ShowNode
