case classDVector[Elem, T](data: DList[(Elem, T)])(implicit evidence$1: WireFormat[Elem], evidence$2: Ordering[Elem], evidence$3: WireFormat[T]) extends Product with Serializable
A distributed vector, stored in coordinate form.
Optimised for a huge spare vector, but should perform reasonably for a large dense vector too.
If the vector is small (i.e. a few megabytes or less, you'll probably be better off with the
in memory vectors instead
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
A distributed vector, stored in coordinate form. Optimised for a huge spare vector, but should perform reasonably for a large dense vector too. If the vector is small (i.e. a few megabytes or less, you'll probably be better off with the in memory vectors instead