

package testing

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Type Members

  1. trait CommandLineHadoopLogFactory extends HadoopLogFactorySetup with CommandLineScoobiUserArgs

  2. trait HadoopExamples extends Hadoop with CommandLineScoobiUserArgs with Cluster with HadoopLogFactoryInitialisation

    This trait provides an Around context to be used in a Specification

    This trait provides an Around context to be used in a Specification

    Subclasses can override the context method:

    • def context = inMemory // execute the code in memory with Scala collections
    • def context = local // execute the code locally
    • def context = cluster // execute the code on the cluster

    They also need to implement the Cluster trait to specify the location of the remote nodes

  3. trait HadoopLogFactorySetup extends LocalHadoop with SpecificationStructure

  4. abstract class HadoopSpecification extends Specification with HadoopSpecificationLike

    Hadoop specification with an acceptance specification

  5. trait HadoopSpecificationLike extends Specification with HadoopSpecificationStructure with ScoobiAppConfiguration

  6. trait HadoopSpecificationStructure extends Cluster with HadoopExamples with UploadedLibJars with HadoopLogFactorySetup with CommandLineHadoopLogFactory

    You can use this abstract class to create your own specification class, specifying:

    You can use this abstract class to create your own specification class, specifying:

    • the type of Specification: mutable or not
    • the cluster
    • additional variables

    class MyHadoopSpec(args: Arguments) extends HadoopSpecificationStructure(args) with MyCluster with mutable.Specification

  7. case class InputStringTestFile(ls: Seq[String])(implicit configuration: Scoobi.ScoobiConfiguration) extends InputTestFile[String] with Product with Serializable

  8. class InputTestFile[S] extends AnyRef

  9. case class OutputTestFile[T](list: DList[T])(implicit configuration: Scoobi.ScoobiConfiguration, m: Manifest[T], w: WireFormat[T]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait SimpleJobs extends Persist

    This trait helps in the creation of DLists and Scoobi jobs where the user doesn't have to track the creation of files.

    This trait helps in the creation of DLists and Scoobi jobs where the user doesn't have to track the creation of files. All data is written to temporary files and is deleted after usage.

  11. trait TempFiles extends AnyRef

    This trait helps with the creation of temporary files and directories

  12. trait TestFiles extends AnyRef

    This trait creates input and output files which are temporary The files paths are registered in the configuration so that they can be deleted when the job has been executed

  13. trait UploadedLibJars extends SpecificationStructure with HadoopExamples with ScoobiUserArgs

    This trait can be mixed in a Specification to automatically add a setup step uploading the library jars to the cluster

Value Members

  1. object TempFiles extends TempFiles

  2. object TestFiles extends TestFiles

  3. package mutable
